Running tests using the Contexts python library in Pycharm


1) Create a new External Tool

In Pycharm, go to: Settings/Tools/External Tools

Create a new Tool:

  • "Name": give a distinct name
  • "Program": give the path of where run-contexts is in the path where the python interpreter is located for the project (typically a virtual environment)
  • "Arguments": click on "Insert Macro" for this field and select "SelectedText"
  • "Working directory": Where the python project is

2) Create a new Keymap

In Pycharm, go to: Settings/Keymap

Search for the "Name" you have defined in 1), select the "External Tool" that you have just created and double click to "Add Keyboard Shortcut", eg "Alt+r"

3) Run tests

Now you can run the tests that you are currently on by pressing the Keymap you have defined in 2), eg "Alt+r" here


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